Monday, May 18, 2009

Ciclope dalla lunga mazza

Sebbene i ciclopi siano notoriamente soggetti poco lungimiranti e non di larghe vedute, questo ciclope dalla lunga mazza rappresenta un pericolo notevole, a posteriori, per chi gli volge le spalle .

Fate attenzione.

La Sgufala sia con voi!!!

Sguffalo Bill

(Little) Christmas (es) Terrorists

Have a look at these three strange individuals:

no te parecen terroristas????

Je crois ils veulent faire disparaitre les Etats Unis, mais je ne suis pas sure.
En ymmärrä.

Vobis Sgufala magna cum Abundantia!!!

Sguffalo Bill

Catholic Church, full accountability

This photo is a clear example of the full accountability of spending of the Catholic Church (CaCh).

We will exactly know how each pence will be spent by the CaCh. God, Jesus Christ and/or the Holy Virgin are constantly behind the television, monitoring our donations. However, this does not represent a violation of our privacy.

As far as I am concerned, I prefer allocating my money to the Holy Souls.

Sgufala in abundance!!!

Sguffalo Bill